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Escort reviews for phone: 7023712507

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Date of review: 28.02.2021 03:20 AM

Photos: 1


Details: Arrived at agreed time, then got ghosted for an hour. I gave up after 20 mins was at a gas station playing keno, sending texts every so often. an hour later she replied to come, and gave me the room number. Its a scummy drug area by Paradise & Twain, went in cuz it was day time, would not go there at night. Reluctantly I hand over flowers, she gives no answer as to what happened or why she flaked for an hour. I figure some other guy or guys showed up 1st....gross She did look JGF - hope she cleaned herself, didn't look or smell as though she did.- we sit, she barely talk, focused on someone she is texting, a real turn off. she stops paying me attention, its all about whoever shes texting.....I'm not paying for this, 15 mins in silence her texting the whole time, puts her phone down starts telling stories how her family is all rich or something doesn't make sense, doesn't matter at all for what the service you know. I could care less about her family. all sounded like lies & I grew impatient fast thinking she was gonna talk my time away, she must have sensed this started barking lets get going , screw that, I can see rush or worse coming, I grab my $$ she put under a speaker, & to leave - some guy comes out of the bathroom. I had a weapon but dashed out, he didn't come out the door - good. Too weird, the bathroom door was cracked open 3 -4 inches....was he gonna rob me? was there more than one guy? I was halfway out of the tiny apt. when I heard & saw him coming. maybe she was texting him. what ever it was, it was not cool. I felt from the moment i went in there was tension....The place is tiny like 8'x10' its 3 steps from her bed to the door, but the bathroom door is a foot from where we were sitting on the bed....could have been a lot worse glad I got my $$ back, not gonna pay for 20 mins to watch her text, some other guy or her pimp ... or to here her tell BS about people that don't matter or may not even exist, she was fully dressed with shoes I wonder if she was gonna do the service at all? the thought of some Man or Men I don't know a foot away watching her suck & fuck me is too disturbing to contemplate, even if it was a harmless weirdo jackin off watching.......What If I had to use the bathroom?? I don't think it was a voyeur & if it was, I should make half of what ever he was paying, but I'm sure it wasn't that.

Date of review: 22.01.2021 03:29 AM

Photos: 2


Details: strange, put me on hold flaked out after I got there, refused to answer calls or texts when I got to parking lot, FAKE, so I hang and play keno, text every so often, 90 mns later she calls an wants to know where I AM!!! dont know if she was fkn another guy or to loaded, room stank to hell I passed to much BS.