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Escort reviews for phone: 2693517751

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Date of review: 18.06.2024 01:46 AM

Photos: 5


Details: Saw this gal a few times. Ubered her to my place, I live in the country, Uber's will drop off but not pick up here. So every time we got together I would have to drive her home. For the price she requires you think she would have transportation. Things were going smooth with our transition of getting to know each other. As we progressed when she came over I would give her a massage because I have a heated massage table. She did bring protection every time and offered it or gave it to me every time. The last time we were together all oiled up on that table I asked her if I had to use her provided protection. She said and I quote "no go ahead". The very next day she called me and said and I quote again "that was not cool." She explained to me that in the past when she told somebody no when they're on top of her that they forced themselves onto her so she has learned to say no go ahead from her own experience which is absolutely insane if that's not what you want! She knew me well enough to where if she would have said no use protection I would have used protection! She then proceeds to put a review about me and some website saying that I "stealthed" her...??? I have never heard that term before nor did I know what it meant. But it quickly found out it means you were pretending to use a condom but you slipped it in when she was not aware. I most certainly didn't do anything like that so I'm not really sure why she put that review. She only sees clients during the day and since I had to drive her home to her apartment in the middle of the day I did have to park a couple doors down from where she walked in. Maybe she put that on there because she lives with her guy. Couldn't really say. I actually contact her about this and her recollection of what really happened is somewhat excuse me extremely off base. On the left side of her smile you can tell about it the black rotted out teeth that she has done meth or is currently still doing it not sure. Accuse me of being extremely intoxicated when I had two drinks and was perfectly capable of driving her back to her apartment because she is responsible enough to have her own transportation lol. I'm sorry she is fun if you're looking for a skinny methed out fuck but my experience you should stay away from people with a black teeth, especially on the side towards the back because they tried to hide it and they usually still are. I have been looking for a regular in Kalamazoo but it is slim pickings out there.